
貓貓物語 23






毛毛大反擊 ( Furry Vengeance ) 預告片

此時此刻在香港上畫,是攞景還是贈興? =P

類別 : 喜劇
片長 : 91 分鐘
級別 : I
上映 : 2010-07-22
官方網頁 : http://www.furryvengeance-movie.com/





各大氣象台的熱帶氣旋路徑圖 (香港地下天文台)



Facebook 網址

大浪西灣 魯連城私人十萬呎別墅 工地高清直擊 (來自Youtube linwahling)

富商魯連城悄悄購地 世界級景觀勢遭破壞



滿目瘡痍的高空相片 (SCMP)

水清沙幼的大浪西灣與後面西灣村綠色林地卻被魯連城購下後發展而被砍伐至光禿一片 (SCMP)

香港自然景物破壞地圖 (長春社)


It was a pristine picture at Sai Wan, but not any more
Diggers move in as businessman develops 'private lodge'

南華早報 2010-07-16 頭條全文:

It was a pristine picture at Sai Wan, but not any more

It was pristine at Sai Wan, but not any more

Diggers move in as businessman develops 'private lodge'

Behind a white-sand beach on Hong Kong's most pristine stretch of coastline, surrounded by spectacular hills, diggers have stripped an area bare in the latest example of construction on private land on the fringe of a country park.

The land at Sai Wan, one of four beaches fronting the clear water of Tai Long Wan in a remote part of Sai Kung, is being developed into what owner Simon Lo Lin-shing says will be an organic garden but what local villagers say will be a private lodge with artificial ponds, a tennis court and separate apartment.

Lo paid more than HK$16 million to the owners of an abandoned village to acquire the remote site, estimated at 10,000 square metres, that is surrounded by, but is not part of, the Sai Kung East Country Park. It is accessible only on foot or by boat.

The businessman, who controls two listed companies with a combined market value of more than HK$17 billion, last year bought up almost every plot in the village through his private investment arm, Vision Investments, jointly owned with his wife, Rouisa Ku Ming-mei.

The chairman of Mongolia Energy Corporation and Vision Values Holdings, Lo was so determined to acquire the site that he approached members of the local Lai clan who had emigrated to Britain.

Construction started early last month and the site has undergone large-scale excavation, including the removal of surface vegetation and diversion of streams running down from the surrounding hills.

As the work site is not covered by any statutory zoning, the development is not subject to planning controls. There is also no need to carry out any environmental impact assessments.

The only violation so far identified is that some of the excavated sites fall on government land.

A spokeswoman for Vision Investments said the site would become a landscaped garden and organic farm for Lo's private enjoyment and she believed it complied with government rules.

"The project is solely private and has nothing to do with his business. There won't be any large-scale works such as housing developments there," she said.

She denied the site would be used to house a columbarium, as is suspected in the case of other developments in country parks.

The spokeswoman said Lo had been approached by a middleman acting as an agent for the sale and she had no idea why he was interested in the site.

"Perhaps it is because it is large and quiet. After all, he is a very green person and loves organic farming. But of course, he cannot do the daily irrigation and ploughing work and he might hire someone else to do it for him," she said.

The land, which was settled by the Lai clan during the Ming dynasty 600 years ago, was largely abandoned in the 1960s and remaining clan members made a living providing catering or camping services to hikers and tourists at the southern end of the village.

Village head Lai Yan, who pocketed more than HK$1 million from selling his ancestral properties, said the project would help beautify the site and enhance the village's attraction to tourists. He also said the work had been done carefully to minimise the impact on the environment.

"The old village site has been abandoned for a long time and no one takes care of it. Now is a good chance to improve the environment and make the site look nicer," he said.

Other villagers said Lo was building a private lodge and garden comprising two artificial freshwater ponds, a tennis court and a separate apartment to be converted from dilapidated single-storey village houses.

Lo, an entrepreneur known for his past role as a close aide of New World Development chairman Cheng Yu-tung, acquired 18 per cent of the listed New World Cyberbase in 2001 through one of his privately owned companies for HK$49 million and renamed it Mongolia Energy Corporation in 2007.

The energy firm's market capitalisation soared after it announced its acquisition of overseas mining rights, and its share price rose from 10 cents in 2001 to a peak of over HK$17 in 2008. The stock closed at HK$2.74 yesterday.

Lo also acquired the listed New World Mobile Holdings in 2007 and later renamed it Vision Values Holdings.

Lo was formerly a director of a now-defunct private environmental technology company, along with fung shui master Tony Chan Chun-chuen who lost a legal battle for the estate of late Chinachem chairwoman Nina Wang Kung Yu-sum.

Aerial photographs show the site has been transformed in the past month, with greenery vanishing as the work site expands.

During a visit by South China Morning Post reporters on Tuesday, two of three diggers were working to excavate dark grey mud but it was not clear how the machines got to the area, which has no access road.

A villager working at the site said the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department had given approval for the machines to be brought in by sea and across the protected beach, but the department said it had not given permission.

The villager also said trees such as Buddhist pines and palms would be transplanted to the site to beautify the garden.

There were no signs of pollution but dozens of metal drums that could have contained fuel or chemicals were lying around the work site.

A stream that used to run through the village has disappeared.

A spokeswoman for the agricultural department said it received a complaint about the project early last month. While there was no infringement on the country park, some adjoining government land and a stream course were affected.

The Lands Department said it posted signs yesterday warning the developer against illegal excavation on government land.

A spokeswoman said the site should be used only for agriculture and no application for a change of land use or redevelopment of the old village houses had been received.

WWF Hong Kong conservation manager Alan Leung Sze-lun said the work highlighted the short-sightedness of the government in not preserving the city's most valuable natural heritage and landscape with proper land use zonings.

"While the land is privately owned, the visual value and natural setting of the site belongs to society," he said.

The Environmental Protection Department said it found no violation of pollution control rules but would keep a close eye on the site.

In 2000, a proposed zoning plan for the Tai Long Wan beach - north of Sai Wan - triggered strong opposition over fears of excessive village house development. The plan was revised to conserve most of the area and greatly reduce the area for houses.

香港電台 《山水傳奇》-大海之秀作:西貢大浪灣 第一節 (可放大及支援1080p HD)

香港電台 《山水傳奇》-大海之秀作:西貢大浪灣 第二節 (可放大及支援1080p HD)






屯門農墟 「本地有機西瓜節」

漁農自然護理署(漁護署)聯同新界蔬菜產銷合作社聯合總社(菜聯社)、國際十字路會及蔬菜統營處將於2010年7月17 日(星期六)在屯門農墟舉行「本地有機西瓜節」。



Tuen Mun Farmers' Market 「Local Organic Watermelon Festival」

The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) are holding a "Local Organic Watermelon Festival" on 17.7.2010 (Sat) at the Tuen Mun Farmers' Market jointly with the Federation of Vegetable Marketing Cooperative Societies (FVMCS), the Crossroads Foundation and the Vegetable marketing Organization.

The Tuen Mun Farmers' Market, located in the Crossroads Village at No.2, Castle Peak Road, Tuen Mun (opposite Gold Coast Phase 1), was established by the FVMCS in November 2009. The Market, open on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., aims to provide a regular marketing platform facilitating residents in the district and nearby to shop for fresh organic fruits and vegetables produced locally, communicate direct with organic farmers and get to know more about local organic production and produce.

To promote local organic farming, AFCD organized a few months ago for the industry a workshop on organic watermelon growing and introduced good melon varieties. Farmers have been participating keenly in the trial growing scheme, and their produce will become available in mi9d July. AFCD and FVMCS consider it opportune to hold a "Local Organic Watermelon Festival" around that time at the Tuen Mun Farmers' Market to facilitate over 20 participating farmers to sell their melons as well as other organic produce direct to residents in the district and nearby. The event will also further promote the Market as a special feature of community interest within the Tuen Mun District.

日期: 2010年7月17日 (星期六)
時間: 上午十時至下午四時
地點: 屯門青山公路2號國際十字路會(黃金海岸1期對面)
查詢熱線: 90778901 / 90903875




有機農墟 @ 中環 網址

歡迎任何人士 參加,人數不限,免費入埸

日期/ 時間 : 逢星期日 / 上午11時至下午5時

地點 : 中環天星碼頭(七號碼頭)

查詢 : 電話 : (852) 2483 7120 / (852) 2739 2481


最近有人多處貼大字報 。(按圖可放大)

貓貓物語 22


生活隨寫 4 - 強迫購物




雖然這事件並不代表整個香港旅遊服務業都是這樣,但作為香港人的我仍是覺得很 - 醜 !




手機軟件 - StudioKUMA Call Filter (小熊來電通知程式) [Android]


最近買了一部Android OS的電話,或許我是一個實際使用者吧,所以找來的都是實用軟件。

有Flash關係,它可以直接全畫面觀看Flash片段,例如 Youtube (HQ) ,優酷網等等。內置收音機也是我考慮之一。

閒話不多說,今次介紹是我使用中的軟件 - StudioKUMA Call Filter(小熊來電通知程式)。




QR Code

iPhone與Windows Phone 用戶也可到這裡看看相關軟件。


貓貓物語 21









為支持國家的全民健身日及進一步在社區推廣「普及體育」,康文署將於 8月8日在全港18區指定的體育館舉辦「全民運動日」,安排連串免費的活動,以推廣運動的重要性及益處,並提供市民參加運動和其他體能活動的機會。此外,康文署會於當天免費開放多種康樂設施予市民使用。

日期 : 8/8/2010
時間 : 14:00 – 18:00
場地 : 18分區的指定康樂體育場地
主辦機構 : 康樂及文化事務署
查詢電話 : 1823




酷 熱 天 氣 下 行 山 人 士 暈 倒 更新:2010/07/01 23:17
今 日 天 氣 炎 熱 , 天 文 台 發 出 今 年 首 個 酷 熱 天 氣 警 告 , 傍 晚 取 消 。 大 埔 與 西 貢 有 行 山 人 士 懷 疑 中 暑 , 其 中 一 名 男 子 情 況 危 殆 。

該 名 六 十 一 歲 男 子 一 度 昏 迷 , 由 直 升 機 救 起 送 往 東 區 醫 院 。 下 午 一 時 左 右 , 他 與 朋 友 在 大 埔 烏 蛟 騰 走 往 大 峒 附 近 暈 倒 , 朋 友 報 警 。

今 日 下 午 最 高 氣 溫 三 十 二 度 。 由 於 陽 光 猛 烈 , 上 水 的 分 區 氣 溫 曾 經 高 達 35.3 度 , 市 區 的 跑 馬 地 及 黃 大 仙 亦 超 過 34 度 。

天 文 台 在 早 上 七 時 左 右 發 出 酷 熱 警 告 , 持 續 十 個 小 時 , 到 下 午 五 時 取 消 。


船灣環湖行 連結 (自家連結)


生活隨寫 3 - 香港真是「鼠輩橫行」!?









幼鯨鯊慘遭奪鰭 網民籲停食魚翅

WWF 鯊魚保育

